Acting: Saving water

One thing on this earth above all others is absolutely vital for life- water. In the developed world we are surrounded by this clear, tasteless, odourless liquid (or solid if you live somewhere cold!). Yet, how often do we take the abundance of water, an ever present reminder of God’s abounding common grace, for granted while around the world 844 million people lack access to clean safe water.

The abundance of water that many of us have been graciously granted by God should be a cause firstly for thanks, and secondly wise use. Just because water is ubiquitous for us doesn’t mean we should be wasteful. It costs money and energy to produce the clean water we enjoy and need, therefore wasting water has ramifications far exceeding simply wasting water (which will be the focus of a future article).

But for now, here is some practical advice on how to conserve water. Perhaps the money you save you could donate to a charity providing clean water for impoverished people…

Water saving tips

  • Get into a habit of turning the tap off when you brush your teeth- saving up to 6 litres of water a minute.
  • Take a shorter shower, challenge yourself to reduce your shower time, just reducing your time in the shower by just one minute could save up to 45 litres of water.
  • Install a water butt to your drainpipe and use the water to water your plants. In a wet country like the UK 5000 litres of water can be collected per year.
  • Use a watering can instead of a hosepipe. Better still use the water from a water butt for this.
  • Use water-efficient products like shower heads, washing machines and dishwashers.
  • Only use dishwashers and washing machines when they are full.
  • Don’t fully twist taps unless you need to.
  • Fill the kettle only to the level that is needed.




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